When you shop can make a huge impact on finding the best deals. The best time to buy is when inventory is high and prices are low. For example spring style clothing is on sale just before Memorial Day and July 4th for summer fashion sales; just don’t wait too long when inventory and sizes …
Tag: tips
Help Kids Cope With Moving
Kids thrive on familiarity and routines, so to learn that they are moving can be traumatic. Whether your decision to move is optional or not, some kids may have trouble understanding it, especially if they were not involved in the decision making process. Here Are Some Discussion Tips For All Kids Prepare your kids by …
Tips On Gifting A Down Payment
Here is a tip for young people thinking about buying a home or for parents wanting to help their kids in a way of down payment assistance. If parents or relatives want to help financially, most lenders prefer to see the funds in the buyers’ savings or checking account at least two months prior to …
Six Things To Do After Moving To A New Home
As exciting as it is you’ve got a few things to take care when moving to your new home. Change The Locks: Who knows who has spare keys to the house. Check For Leaks: Should have been done at the time of the home inspection, but it never hurts to double check! Clean The Carpets: …